
One of the best qualities you can have in this space is staying level-headed.

Why? Your competition doesn't.

It might seem funny today but the majority in 2017 were calling for another 100x on XRP at 100 billion market cap.

You know what their reasoning was?

The banks will make you f*cking rich!

It wasn't just 1,2 or 3 persons either.

80-90% of the space back then was calling for it!

You disagreed? You looked like the insane one.

"You fool"

"You must not like money"

"Have fun staying poor"

"You'll see in the end"

"You are probably paid to fud*

"You'll buy x50 from here"

"You ..."

For a level headed person however?

Hmm, why would the banks spend billions of even trillions to make the common folk rich and transfer their wealth?

Buying a publically traded coin on the market that has been available for years in the hands of most crypto users?

Why not pay a few 1000$ to a developer and create their own?

Digital dollar or digital euro or something else?

Today? Talks of CBDC's everywhere.

But level-headed or not:

"You just don't understand"

This post wasn't just about XRP. It's just one of the most well known examples from back then.

Every cycle there's plenty of other examples like that where you will look like the insane one.

But you have to remember that's a good thing.

If the majority when peak retails comes in agrees?

You ARE the majority.

And the majority can't all win. That's the basic principle of the markets.

It's tough to sound sane and have conviction when everyone tells you differently.

But staying level-headed through it all and looking past the hype?

That's probably the single best quality and asset you have.

As this is pretty much a common trait among anyone that ever made millions in crypto.

It's also probably the holy grail of crypto.

And it's also what you are going to need. Take my word for it.


Stay level-headed fam. It's more important than you think.

You'll need it.

Hope you learnt something today, I am ticktalker and I always post crypto/educative content

#xrp #JUP $XRP