Introducing #Qubic. AI Revolution Inevitable

Aigarth's Journey Towards A True AI Singularity

The first trillionaire will be an artificial intelligence entrepreneur. The majority of people either agree or disagree with this prediction and only a small fraction sees the third option — the whole mankind being the beneficiary. And what is not less important, the AI belonging to noone/everyone could not be misused easily. In Qubic we are developing a platform where AI won’t be constrained at all.

Aigarth is the AI running on top of Qubic and is aiming to make the third option come true. The name consists of two words, “AI” meaning “artificial intelligence” and “garth” meaning “yard” or “garden”.

How does Aigarth works?

It is an AI-software that get itÂŽs information from nearly hundred thousand (number is rapidly increasing) of Qubic-miners which are creating billions artificial neural networks (ANNs) with their computational power that is supposed to compress and decompress random data. This simple task, which the ANNs are trying to accomplish, is just food for another ANN created and run by Aigarth. The latter ANN (or rather its many variations), called Teacher, modifies the former ANNs so they solve their task of compression-decompression more efficiently.

If somebody asked what methods Teacher used to modify the “pupils” noone would be able to answer (not even the creator of Aigarth). Because Teacher applies simple operations encoded in the own neurons and synapses, hoomans don’t understand how all that works, we don’t see the forest for the trees. Why such strange approach? Because one day Teacher will be ordered to teach another ANN to be more efficient in teaching and that Teacher 2 will do the same on Teacher 3 and so on. And eventually we may face something called “singularity”
 or „true AI“
