The aggregated demand for energy from crypto, artificial intelligence , and traditional data centers could double in 2026. According to a report by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the consumption growth might mean adding a country like Sweden (in the best case) or Germany (in the worst case) to the global energy demand.

Crypto, AI, and Traditional Data Centers to Add Significantly to 2026’s Global Energy Demand

According to a recent report by the International Energy Agency (IEA), an international organization created in 1974 to secure the energy reliance of its members, it is predicted that the energy consumption of traditional data centers, artificial intelligence AAI, and crypto might double by 2026.

The IEA stresses that data centers are a critical part of today’s digitalization, supporting all kinds of online operations, with 40% of the electricity demand of these centers coming from computing tasks and another 40% from cooling the devices where this computing takes place.

This industry’s demand for these computing tasks was 460 TWh in 2022, 2% of the global energy consumption. This is expected to increase to 620-1,050 TWh in 2026, signifying that it would add the demand of a country like Sweden, at the most conservative prediction, or one like Germany, at the worst estimation, to the global energy consumption.#UMA #BTC