How To Raise Money To Fund Your Crypto Journey.

I would share how I raise money to fund my crypto journey. Most beginners in crypto always want to invest their last 10 to 50 Dollars in crypto hoping to cash out double or even triple that amount within a day.

If you can be sincere to yourself, you always blow this capital or make a small profit the next day with another capital which makes no difference from losing your money.

I know this because I have experienced it over and over again. Nothing hurts like how you were able to raise that capital before the market easily swallowed it.

So how can you keep raising capital to invest in your crypto journey? well, I have 3 ways that I use always.

1. Real estate agency. because I don't have enough money to risk in the crypto market, I work as a realtor. it's all about renting or selling properties for people on a commission basis. you can start this in your areas to earn daily or weekly while you keep learning more about cryptocurrency.

2. YouTube. Sharing your thoughts, Ideas, experience, or knowledge with people in the form of videos on YouTube can earn you some money which you can decide to invest part of in the crypto market.

3. Commission sales. here you sell products or services for people and earn a commission. example. there are products that people import but realize there is no demand. But sometimes is because people don't know the use of the product but if you can show them the benefits of such products, you can start earning anytime you make a sale.

Feel free to follow us on YouTube as we have details in some of our YouTube videos.