On February 15, a court hearing would occur in the South American country of Colombia. However, this was different from what the country had ever seen before. Its 2.5-hour court hearing was held entirely in Meta’s Virtual Reality platform, Horizon Workrooms.

It’s a sight you don’t often see. A super-serous event regarding legal principles but the individuals concerned such as lawyers and judges are dressed as cartoon avatars. The hearing has accumulated over 70,000 views on Youtube, notifying the world of the potential of virtual reality technology.

The Metaverse is pivotal in trying to shape web3 gaming. Its characteristics that enable socialization, creation, and immersion create a perfect virtual environment for both play and business. NFT games like The Sandbox and Decentraland currently pioneer this space, but we may soon see the rise of more.

Horizon Worlds

Previously known as The Facebook Company, Meta rebranded its company to focus on metaverse technology such as Virtual Reality. The Covid19 pandemic restructured how companies and organizations held their meetings, pivoting the shift towards working from home and bringing the spotlight to applications that enable this such as Zoom.

The event marked the first time Colombia ever held an entirely virtual hearing, signifying the country’s increasingly adaptive attitude towards metaverse technologies. However, the meeting also spurred negative comments on its use. Some users commented that the use of cartoon avatars was “inappropriate”.

But as a blockchain lawyer has explained, Colombian Court resolved that “using technologies such as the Metaverse does not entail a violation of the due process”. Making things virtual, doesn’t necessarily mean things won’t be taken seriously. Sometimes it even enhances the experience in certain situations.

Final Thoughts

Whichever your opinion is on the matter, the important takeaway is that we might see more countries implement virtual technologies into everyday life. Now, on the Colombian Courts-, but soon we might experience it through everyday life.

So far, metaverse technology hasn’t seen financial success yet. Meta lost over $4.28 billion on its metaverse Reality Labs project last year, so we might not see a giant venture yet soon.

Source: https://chainplay.gg/blog/colombia-courts-implement-metaverse-in-legal-courts/