Mint Florence Finance DUKE NFT Badges 🚀

Backed good VC / Projects & Mentioned by #Arbitrum as well

There are total 5 levels of Duke Dash NFT

#ïžâƒŁ Archduke ( top 20% of points leaderboard)

#ïžâƒŁ Knight (10 badges earned)

#ïžâƒŁ Earl (50%-20%)

#ïžâƒŁ Count (bottom 50%)

#ïžâƒŁ Squire (0 points)

✅ Go twitter

✅ Connect With your Airdrop Wallet

✅ MINT NFT Gas Fees 0.19$ (#Arbitrum)

📌 Points are used to show your level of participation in Duke Dash and the more points you have the higher up the leaderboard you will go. Earn points to level up your NFT and prove your loyalty to Florence.