How to grow your crypto liquidity 

This is the most straightforward, no-fluff way to build your crypto portfolio 

If you have a $5k portfolio or more,

You can skip this 

For those who don’t. 

Let’s go

Let me describe the person that should be reading this. 

You are probably a student with limited earning capability.

You've tried to take part in airdrops, but no gas fee.

You saw people profiting from Alpha calls,

but couldn't take advantage because you don't have the capital.


You are someone who doesn’t earn enough.

You are broke

your earnings can only cater for your basic needs  

but you willing to be part of this crypto stuff 

I have been here before.

My problem was that I was out of job

I see people make crazy money in crypto

but I couldn't 

I even borrowed to invest at the tail end of the 2021 bull run.

The loan got me into a serious problem because all of my investment went south.

There was no means to pay back. 

 remember I was unemployed

I was desperately looking for a solution to my problem 

I joined several crypto communities on telegram and Discord

I was in a group where people shared testimonies on how they got jobs in crypto.

So I used some of the info

I started working on getting a job

I join project communities

I provided value by helping them with some writings

I entered writing contests

I won some. lost others.

I gain some liquidity through my winnings.

And about 2 months into these,

I eventual get a job in crypto

This job helped me build liquidity

I took $200 off my monthly income and invest in crypto

I DCA into projects I believed in

Did you observe that I have given you two tips already?

If not, let me restate; Join project communities on Discord and Telegram and provide value. Enter different contests ( meme, writing, or video contests)

If you do this consistently for three months, you will get a job or win a contest.

I stop here so as not to bore you.

I’ll continue with the part next week.

Feel free to follow me for more.

#Portfolio: #liquidity