Don't fall for pump and dump scams in the crypto world. Stay ahead of the game with these 7 proven ways to avoid them. From researching the token to diversifying your portfolio, these tips will keep you safe and secure in the crypto trading game - presented by TokenBot.

  1. Research the token: Before investing in any token, it's important to research and understand the technology behind it. Look for clear explanations of the project's goals, team, and partnerships. Check for any red flags, such as a lack of transparency or a history of failed promises.

  2. Check the token's trading history: Take a look at the token's trading history on the exchange to determine if it has experienced any significant price spikes or dumps. If you notice any sudden spikes, be wary of potential pump and dump scams.

  3. Look for liquidity: Pump and dump scams often involve tokens with low liquidity. To avoid these scams, look for tokens that have high trading volumes and liquidity on the exchange.

  4. Watch out for coordinated pumps: Scammers often coordinate pumps by creating fake hype and buying up large amounts of the token to artificially inflate its price. To avoid these scams, keep an eye out for any unusual spikes in trading volume, social media activity, or news announcements.

  5. Don't follow the crowd: Don't blindly follow the hype or the opinions of others. Do your own research, form your own opinions, and stick to your trading strategy.

  6. Avoid FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out): The fear of missing out on potential profits can often lead to impulsive trading decisions. Don't let this fear cloud your judgment. Take your time and make informed decisions based on your research and trading strategy.

  7. Diversify your portfolio: Diversifying your portfolio by investing in a variety of tokens can help you minimize your risk and avoid being affected by any one particular scam.