According to Odaily, income-based stablecoin issuer Mountain Protocol has become a financial management partner in the Arbitrum STEP program. Once the related proposal is approved by a wider community, USDM will become one of the reserve assets in the DAO treasury.

Mountain Protocol's partnership with the Arbitrum STEP program marks a significant step in the expansion of its financial management services. The collaboration will allow Mountain Protocol to provide more comprehensive financial solutions to its clients, leveraging the capabilities of the Arbitrum STEP program.

The proposal, if approved by the broader community, will see USDM become one of the reserve assets in the DAO treasury. This development will further strengthen the financial stability of the DAO treasury, providing a solid foundation for its future growth and expansion.

The partnership between Mountain Protocol and the Arbitrum STEP program is a testament to the growing influence of income-based stablecoin issuers in the financial management sector. It also underscores the increasing importance of collaborations between different entities in the crypto space to foster growth and innovation.