According to BlockBeats, Matr1x Fire has announced the launch of its 'Infinite Game' plan, which involves the burning of 500 million $FIRE tokens. The plan is divided into three stages, aiming to upgrade the economic cycle of $FIRE and expand its application scenarios through innovative distribution and burning mechanisms. The ultimate goal is to build a healthy, diverse, and robust ecosystem for $FIRE.

The first stage, named 'Firefly', will take place within seven months after the $FIRE TGE. The goal is to lay a solid foundation for the future growth of $FIRE through effective distribution and burning mechanisms. The initial total limit is set at 1 billion $FIRE tokens. All $FIRE consumed in the Apollo plan will be burned and destroyed, simultaneously reducing the total limit of $FIRE. The founding team's $FIRE will be reduced from 25 million to 5 million, with the reduced 20 million $FIRE being burned and the total limit of $FIRE being reduced accordingly.

The second stage, 'Flamingo', will occur between 7 and 24 months after the TGE. The aim is to expand the application scenarios of $FIRE, accelerate burning, and reduce the total limit of $FIRE until it drops to 500 million. The output rate of $FIRE will be dynamically adjusted based on the scale of ecosystem users. The economic behavior of the gaming ecosystem will accelerate the burning of $FIRE and reduce its total limit until it drops to 500 million. More gaming products will introduce the use of $FIRE.

The third stage, 'Phoenix', will take place 24 months after the TGE, depending on the development of the ecosystem. The goal is to upgrade the economic cycle of the game, expand the diversity of the gaming ecosystem, and achieve full circulation of $FIRE tokens. Various application behaviors, such as gaming products, esports products, trading markets, and community products, will consume $FIRE and enter a specific pool to provide long-term incentives for effective proof of work. More financial mechanisms will appear to make $FIRE circulate more efficiently in the gaming ecosystem.