According to Odaily, PancakeSwap has announced its intention to distribute 450,000 ARB grants it has received within the next 12 weeks. The specific allocation of the grants is as follows:

The majority of the grants, 330,000 ARB, will be used for v3 liquidity mining. This is a significant portion of the total grants, indicating the importance PancakeSwap places on this aspect of their operations.

A further 60,000 ARB will be allocated for Stryke options liquidity mining. This is a smaller portion of the total grants, but still represents a significant investment in this area.

The remaining 60,000 ARB will be used for a predictive product that is yet to be launched. This suggests that PancakeSwap is planning to expand its offerings in the near future, although details of this new product are not yet available.

This announcement from PancakeSwap demonstrates their strategic approach to using the ARB grants they have received. By allocating the majority of the grants to v3 liquidity mining, they are prioritizing this key area of their operations. The allocation of funds to Stryke options liquidity mining and a new predictive product also shows their commitment to diversification and growth.