According to Foresight News, EigenLayer has addressed several key questions about the EIGEN token that have been raised by the community.

One of the main questions was about Intersubjectivity attributable faults. These faults can be identified through a broad consensus of external observers, even outside the blockchain. Unlike objectively traceable errors, intersubjectivity attributable faults may not be provable on-chain through mathematics and cryptography. For example, whether data in the data availability layer is available at a specific point in time can be observed off-chain through data availability sampling, but the unavailability of data cannot be proven in smart contracts.

The community also asked how EIGEN staking complements ETH re-staking. Many Active Verification Service (AVS) protocols ensure their security through an objective slashing mechanism. The liveliness and anti-censorship of the service, which previously relied on the assumption that 'staking is decentralized', can now be ensured by staking EIGEN. Services that ensure security through ETH re-staking and liveliness through EIGEN staking can distribute costs between two consensus groups, optimizing resource allocation.

EigenLayer enables AVS to integrate two modes: objective staking from ETH and intersubjective consensus staking from EIGEN. In addition, AVS can enhance verification through the support of its native token community, which reaches consensus through AVS token staking.

The use of EIGEN tokens for intersubjective consensus slashing brings cryptographic economic security. Staking EIGEN allows AVS to operate effectively even when writing on-chain fraud proofs is not feasible or brings unnecessary complexity. This method enhances security while reducing technical complexity.

Staking EIGEN can provide critical security in the startup phase, allowing MVP to be deployed faster. As the system matures and errors become easier to objectively identify, AVS can transition to using ETH re-staking.

Several AVS can use the security provided by staking EIGEN tokens. These include anti-censorship, ledger growth, data availability, and oracles.

Please note that while EIGEN is currently stakable, the full functionality described above will be enabled after the token becomes transferable.