According to Odaily, data reveals that the Bitcoin network has mined 436 blocks in the past three days. Leading the pack is mining pool Foundry USA, which has mined 124 blocks. Antpool follows closely behind, having mined 118 blocks, while Viabtc ranks third with 59 blocks.

Overall, these three mining pool giants have mined over 69% of the total blocks within 72 hours. Foundry USA and Antpool alone account for 55.5% of the total Bitcoin computational power. This data provides a snapshot of the current state of Bitcoin mining, highlighting the dominance of a few key players in the sector.

It's important to note that the distribution of mining power can have significant implications for the security and decentralization of the Bitcoin network. The more distributed the mining power, the more secure the network. However, the concentration of mining power in a few entities can pose potential risks to the network's stability and security.