According to Odaily, DFINITY Developers have announced the list of SocialFi projects funded under the DFINITY Developer Grant program on platform X. The projects include RuBaRu, DooCoins, Dot Meet, and Raters. These projects have been selected for funding as part of the grant program, which aims to support and promote the development of SocialFi projects. The announcement was made on platform X, a popular platform for developers and tech enthusiasts. The DFINITY Developer Grant program is a significant initiative that provides financial support to promising SocialFi projects. The selected projects, RuBaRu, DooCoins, Dot Meet, and Raters, are expected to contribute significantly to the SocialFi ecosystem. The funding will help these projects to develop and expand, thereby contributing to the overall growth of the SocialFi sector. The DFINITY Developer Grant program continues to play a crucial role in fostering innovation and development in the SocialFi space.