According to Cointelegraph, Russia's largest telecommunications firm MTS announced plans to launch an advertising service targeting Russian Telegram users. However, Telegram denies having any agreements in place with MTS. The announcement, made on October 17, outlined the launch of advertising services for clients targeting specific channels, categories, interests, and geolocation, with a focus on phone numbers of Russian operators.

Telegram spokesperson Remi Vaughn stated that the company has not entered into any ad-related agreements with any Russia-based companies, including MTS. MTS provided details of the new service, which promotes messages, groups, and bots with links inside Telegram, as well as messages with links to external sources in Telegram Ads. The service aims to turn Telegram into a performance tool with a high level of trust, reaching a daily audience of around 55 million Russians.

MTS advertising director Elena Melnikova explained that the service would enable clients to target Telegram users based on a variety of external user data. The service also eliminates a minimum budget threshold, allowing users to create and run advertising for any amount. MTS claims that all adverts launched in Telegram Ads through its MTS Marketer service comply with Russian advertising laws. MTS serves over 80 million subscribers through its Russian mobile business. Cointelegraph has reached out to MTS for clarification on the service and whether a formal agreement with Telegram exists or if the service is being delivered through third-party advertising agencies.