According to Foresight News, the Telegram Bot project Banana Gun has announced that it will launch a presale of its BANANA tokens over the weekend and has released its token economy model. There will be a total of 10 million BANANA tokens, with 2 million allocated for presale, 300,000 for providing liquidity and locked for 2 years, 120,000 for airdrops, 1 million for the team (500,000 locked for 2 years and then linearly released over 3 years, and 500,000 locked for 8 years and then linearly released over 3 years), and 6.58 million for the treasury (most of which will be locked).

Banana Gun stated that the presale fundraising cap is set at 800 ETH, with a participation limit of 1 ETH per wallet address. Users who previously participated in activities and obtained soul-bound NFTs have been included in the whitelist. The presale will be open to specific users, such as KOLs and project NFT holders, in four rounds. The presale price for each BANANA token is $0.65, corresponding to an initial market value of $1.56 million and an initial FDV of $6.5 million.