According to Cointelegraph, Ethereum could see the introduction of new layer 2 (L2) protocols built on Polygon's open sourced Chain Development Kit (CDK), which uses zero-knowledge proof (ZK-proof) technology to ensure security and fast finality. Jordi Baylina, technical lead of Polygon Hermez zkEVM, explained that the CDK aims to make it easy for developers to launch a ZK-powered L2 on Ethereum, tailored to their project's requirements. The CDK also enables automatic access to liquidity across all of Polygon's chains and the wider Ethereum ecosystem, providing on-demand scale without fragmenting liquidity. Baylina highlighted the customizability of the CDK for different appchains and the importance of ZK-proof technology, stating that zero-knowledge is the future of scaling Ethereum. Chains launched with Polygon CDK are automatically connected to a shared ZK bridge and plugged into a cross-chain communication protocol, enabling sub-minute cross-chain transactions and creating the perception of a single chain environment.