According to Foresight News, interest-bearing stablecoin protocol Lybra Finance has announced the launch of Lybra V2. Users are required to migrate their V1 LBR to V2 LBR before 8:00 on October 1st, while there is no set deadline for the migration of V1 eUSD. The V2 mining plan is set to begin on September 7th.

Previously, Foresight News reported that Lybra launched the Lybra V2 testnet on July 20th. New features include cross-chain functionality, an expanded range of LST options as collateral, increased fund security, and a new mechanism to maintain the eUSD peg while supporting LBR value. On Lybra V2, users will have two different methods to mint eUSD and peUSD, with peUSD being the cross-chain version of eUSD.