As more and more Play & Earn (P&E) games are founded within the Web3 space, the standard required for them to reach success has never been higher.

Yet, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to do. In fact, it’s quite simple if your project features the 3 essential pillars required by any P&E Web3 game that seeks to make real impact within the space.

And that’s exactly what we’ve covered in this article, so read on…

First Pillar: Accessibility

No game – whether Web3 P&E or not – will be able to reach a state of global popularity if it is not accessible in the first place. 

Online gaming trends appear, evolve and fade with breathtaking speed. If you wish to cultivate long-term relevance for your game, you need a concept that appeals to multiple demographics.

Appealing to a single, niche group of gamers will make it far more difficult to create a game community that exhibits stable growth – which is why the mobile gaming market displays the most rapid of all gaming sector growth rates. 

The all-encompassing accessibility of mobile games has seen this format surpass all other platforms in terms of revenue. 

Driven mostly by free-to-play games, this demonstrates that accessibility is the first and most important pillar of P&E success.

Second Pillar: Engagement

All leading P&E games engage their players to an extent that leaves them willing to spend money on exclusive in-game items and perks – even without a Play & Earn model in place. 

If players are content to play for fun, yet not compelled to make small investments in their in-game success, then that game stands no chance of fulfilling its potential as a revenue-driving success.

To achieve suitable levels of engagement, a successful game must create a compelling narrative and immerse players in it via absorbing visuals, characters, campaigns, worlds and more. 

They can also introduce bulletproof P&E mechanics, sought-after items that are susceptible to scarcity models, and many more innovative approaches that amplify user engagement.

Third Pillar: Economy

The final, unifying pillar of any successful P&E game is a simple, proven economy that offers fantastic potential to dedicated players. 

There are a number of ways to ensure that a game economy remains stable throughout natural shrinkage and growth, and compels players to continually pursue higher status within the game world. 

The first is to introduce an underlying ecosystem token that follows the shifts of the game economy, encouraging players to amass this token that can be used for various in-game and Web3-wide endeavours.

This can then be enforced by in-game rewards not dependant on the game’s ecosystem token. 

With the presence of such in-game rewards (and many more collectibles, perks and features that can be incorporated), players remain devoted to growing their in-game level regardless of the game’s economic shifts and developer’s external performance.

Trifecta of Success

By implementing these 3 pillars of Accessibility, Engagement and Economy, developers stand the best possible chance of creating a Play & Earn Web3 game that will make a lasting, exciting and profitable impact. 

Thank you for taking a read, CryptoMo