The trader/Investor relationship is one of the most common topic in the world of investing, For this piece, we will try to share our take on this.

THE TRADER : He is the man, woman, professional or career person who leverages short term price changes on assets, securities and commodities for profits. To make more money, he need to do more volume. He can be a high frequency trader, a scalper and day trader as well as swing trader.

While there exist several opinion why this may be bad, I will like to ask: Does this mean businesses that trade by buying and selling does not profit? E,g the auto repairs, the malls...

Having established that anyone can make money as a trader. let us then see how:

a. Volume: This simply means the amount of an asset traded. Remember, as traders, we aim to leverage short term price changes which can range from a few cents to tens, hundreds and at times thousands of dollars , By simplify doing more profitable volumes, the trader makes makes more money.

b. Entries and Exits: To make profits, we have to sell; and to sell, we have to buy. This then is another indispensable tool for the trader - knowing when to buy and sell for profits. Such knowledge can come from good personal sentiments, technical and price data analysis as well as fundamental analysis.

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