Shares of Robin Hood Markets (#NASDAQ : HOOD) saw a decline in post-market close trading after the company reported below-expected revenue. This drop came as the price of #bitcoin has rised to more than $35K over the past 24 hours.

Robin Hood attributed this drop in revenue to a decline in trading volume in cryptocurrencies, which negatively affected its revenue. The company reported net revenue of $467 million, lower than analysts had expected. However, this figure represents an increase of 29% compared to last year.

Transaction-based revenue also saw an 11% drop compared to the previous year due to a 55% drop in virtual cryptocurrency trading volume over the year.

The company's shares rose 1.77% in today's trading, but fell more than 8% in post-market trading.

Robin Hood intends to expand its cryptocurrency trading activity in the EU and the UK, targeting small traders.