Chain Capital Founder and ABGA Vice President, Simon Li, participated in a roundtable panel with the theme "Exploring the Future of Web3 Games: Digital Assets and Economic Model Innovation."

At the "Hong Kong Web3.0 Entrepreneurs Conference," organized by Web3Labs, ABGA, Satoshi Lab, ICC Camp, and AIFocus, and co-host by Techub News, iPollo, and MetaEra, Simon Li, the founder of Chain Capital and ABGA vice president, served as the moderator for a roundtable panel. The discussion included participants such as DeGame COO & Co-founder Min, Yuliverse Head of BD Enton Chen, and Planet Hares CFO Jake Liu. The topics included the current trends of #Web3 gaming development, the role of Web3 gaming digital assets in game development, the possibilities of combining Web3 gaming with the #inscription market, and innovations in the economic models of the Web3 gaming market in 2024.