On October 7, 2024, a significant hearing called the Confirmation Hearing will take place. This hearing aims to review and approve FTX’s restructuring plan within the framework of its Chapter 11 bankruptcy case.

The Confirmation Hearing is a critical step in the bankruptcy process, where the Court will decide whether FTX’s restructuring plan meets the necessary legal requirements and can be approved. During this session, the Court will hear arguments, objections, and feedback from creditors, stakeholders, and FTX’s legal counsel to confirm or adjust the plan.

If the restructuring plan is approved by the Court, it will become the legal basis for the distribution of assets and the resolution of debts, allowing FTX to proceed with liquidation or operational restructuring.

This hearing will have a substantial impact on the resolution of the FTX case, and its outcome could determine how assets are distributed to creditors and other stakeholders.

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