X Empire, a Telegram game inspired by Elon Musk, recently paused gameplay before a scheduled token airdrop. The game has now resumed with a 'Chill Phase' lasting two weeks, offering players a chance to earn additional X tokens before the official launch. During this phase, players can reset their progress and strive for a share of 34.5 billion extra tokens. To optimize earnings, focus on increasing your 'Coins per hour' rate by investing in avatar upgrades and fake stocks. Engage with daily quests, social media, and video content to meet airdrop criteria. Additionally, consider connecting a TON wallet, making donations, and inviting friends to enhance your chances of receiving rewards. Stay updated on daily combo guides and bonus quests to stay ahead in the game. By following these strategies, players can maximize their rewards in the X Empire airdrop. Read more AI-generated news on: https://app.chaingpt.org/news