
X Empire, a Telegram-based game, is rapidly gaining popularity due to its engaging tap-to-earn (T2E) model and financial strategy gameplay. The in-game currency, $XEMP, is set to launch soon, with mining activities stopping today, which could impact the supply of tokens and possibly influence its listing price.

Predicting the exact listing price of the $X token is difficult without precise market data, but based on similar projects, a range of factors will influence its debut. For instance, the pre-market trading of NFT vouchers on the TON blockchain has already set some speculative groundwork, which suggests early demand could drive the token's value higher. The fact that X Empire has gathered over 18 million players since its launch in July and boasts significant social media engagement also points to a strong initial listing.

The total supply of $XEMP, the native token of the X Empire game, is set at 690 billion tokens. With mining activities coming to a halt, this fixed supply creates scarcity, which is expected to influence the token's market performance upon listing. The exact tokenomics, however, such as the total circulating supply and demand from initial exchanges, will determine its final price trajectory. The launch on $TON , a fast and scalable blockchain, further supports the potential for a positive market debut.