Date: 28-09-2024

In the high-stakes world of crypto, finding hidden gems early is the key to unlocking massive gains. Whether you're a degen chasing high-risk trades or looking for mid-cap stability, using Dexscreener filters and smart strategies can help you spot these opportunities before they explode. This comprehensive guide will break down every step of the process to give you a winning edge in the market. Ready to dive in? Let’s go! 👇

Dexscreener Filters top Traders Use to Spot Hidden Gems 👀

1. Very Degen 💀💸

This category is for ultra-high-risk plays with insane upside potential. Perfect for degens who love the thrill of volatility ⚡.

  • Liquidity: $10k

  • Min FDV (Fully Diluted Valuation): $100k

  • Pair Age: 0-48 hours (🚨 Brand new)

  • 1H Transactions: 30+ txns

🛠 How to Use: Spot fresh projects with early liquidity and small FDVs that have just launched within the last 48 hours. The goal here is to catch them before they blow up. Look for at least 30 transactions in the last hour to ensure there’s some early momentum.

Example: A project that launched 12 hours ago with $12k liquidity and 40 transactions in the last hour could be a potential 100x degen moonshot 🤑.

2. Degen 🧨💵

If you want high-risk plays but with slightly more stability, this is your playground.

  • Min Liquidity: $15k

  • Min FDV: $100k

  • Pair Age: 1-72 hours

  • 1H Transactions: 100+ txns

🛠 How to Use: Look for projects that have been around for 1-3 days, indicating early momentum but slightly more time to gain traction. A minimum of 100 transactions in the last hour shows that activity is strong, which is key for early movers.

Example: A token with $17k liquidity, launched 36 hours ago, and 130 transactions in the past hour might be preparing for its first major pump 📈.

3. Mid-Caps 💎📊

Mid-caps offer more stability while still providing substantial growth potential. These are great for traders who want a balance between risk and reward.

  • Liquidity: $100k

  • Min FDV: $1M

  • 24H Volume: $1.2M

  • 24H Transactions: 30+ txns

🛠 How to Use: Focus on liquidity over $100k and daily trading volume of at least $1.2M. This ensures enough liquidity for bigger trades and reduces risk. 30+ transactions in 24 hours means the project has active trading and investor interest.

Example: A project with $150k liquidity, $1.5M 24H volume, and 40+ transactions in the last day could offer a strong, consistent return for those looking to hold longer-term 📊💰.

4. Old Mid-Caps ⏳💰

Old mid-caps are more established projects with a proven track record. While they carry less risk, they still offer room for growth and opportunity.

  • Liquidity: $100k

  • FDV: $200k - $100M

  • Pair Age: 720 - 2800 hours (30 - 116 days)

  • 24H Volume: $200k

  • 24H Transactions: 2000+ txns

🛠 How to Use: Focus on projects that are 1-4 months old. These have typically weathered the early pump-and-dump phase and show long-term sustainability. Keep an eye on 24H volume and transactions—projects with consistent volume are less likely to die off.

Example: A project with $500k liquidity, $300k daily volume, and 3000+ transactions in the last 24 hours could be a solid long-term investment for those seeking stability without sacrificing potential upside 📈🏦.

5. Larger Mid-Caps 🏦📈

These are larger mid-caps with strong liquidity and more institutional interest. These offer lower risk but are great for traders seeking steady growth over time.

  • Liquidity: $200k

  • Min Market Cap: $1M

  • 6H Volume: $150k

🛠 How to Use: These projects have higher liquidity and less volatility, making them ideal for long-term holds. Monitor 6-hour volume to gauge trading activity even during short windows. Look for projects with strong fundamentals that could be poised for future growth.

Example: A project with $300k liquidity, a $1.5M market cap, and $180k volume in the last 6 hours could be a safe bet for consistent returns 💼🔒.

Key Factors to Watch 👀🔍

Beyond the Dexscreener filters, these key factors help further refine your search for hidden gems:

  • Fresh Wallets for New Pairs: Tokens that attract new wallets indicate growing interest and market confidence 📊. Use tools like Etherscan to monitor these wallets.

  • Smart Money Accumulation: Keep track of whale wallets and smart money movements using tools like Nansen. If major investors are accumulating, it's often a good signal to follow 🐋💼.

  • Wallet Tracking: Watch wallets with large balances to see where they are moving funds. If you see multiple whales moving into a new project, it’s likely something big is coming 🌊📈.

Advanced Strategies for Finding Hidden Gems 🧠🛠️

Want to step up your game? Here are some advanced tactics that can help you find those elusive 100x gems before the masses jump in.

1. Analyze Holder Distribution 📉

Projects with a healthy distribution of holders—especially decentralized holdings—are more stable and less likely to experience price manipulation by whales. Look for projects where no single wallet holds more than 5-10% of the total supply.

2. Monitor Token Burn & Buyback Programs 🔥

Tokens with burn mechanisms or buyback programs create supply shock, which can lead to price appreciation. Projects that regularly burn tokens decrease the circulating supply, increasing the scarcity of the asset, which can be a strong driver for price 🚀.

3. Check for Locked Liquidity & Vesting Periods 🔒

Ensure that a significant portion of the liquidity is locked for a specified time frame and that the team's tokens have a vesting period. This reduces the risk of a rug pull and shows that the team is committed to the project’s long-term success ⏳.

4. Explore Cross-Chain Potential 🌐

Projects with cross-chain capabilities have a wider audience and more utility. The ability to operate on multiple blockchains increases liquidity and market reach. Check if a project has plans for multi-chain integration, like Polkadot, Avalanche, or Solana.

How to Spot Hidden Gems in Practice 🎯

Let’s run through a practical example of finding a hidden gem using the above strategies:


You’ve found a project that fits the Degen criteria:

  • Liquidity: $15k

  • FDV: $120k

  • Pair Age: 36 hours

  • 1H Transactions: 120+

Next, you apply the advanced tactics:

  • Holder Distribution: Check that no wallet owns more than 10% of the supply.

  • Smart Money Movements: Nansen reveals that a couple of whale wallets are buying into the project.

  • Token Burn Program: You find that they plan to burn 10% of the total supply over the next month.

Everything aligns—it’s time to make your move!

Final Thoughts 💡

🚨 Finding hidden gems in the crypto space requires more than just luck—it takes a combination of smart filtering, advanced tactics, and a keen eye for detail. Using Dexscreener filters paired with wallet tracking, market sentiment, and fundamental analysis, you can uncover those hidden gems before they explode 💣.

Key Takeaways:

  • Tailor your filter settings based on risk appetite (Degen vs. Mid-Cap).

  • Watch for transaction activity and liquidity as early signals.

  • Use tools like Nansen for smart money tracking and wallet monitoring.

  • Always assess holder distribution and long-term sustainability before investing.

Stay smart, make informed decisions, and good luck finding your next 100x moonshot! 🚀💎

👉 What’s your favorite strategy for spotting hidden gems? Drop your thoughts in the comments! 🗣️

Disclaimer: The content of this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Cryptocurrency investments are highly volatile and may lead to substantial financial loss. Always perform your own research and consult a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions. The opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not represent the views of the publisher or its affiliates. Investing in cryptocurrencies involves inherent risks, and past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Please exercise caution.