The world of cryptocurrencies is decentralized, sure, but a few key players – known as “whales” – are swimming in massive amounts of digital gold.

In this article, we’re diving into the wallets of the five largest Bitcoin whales in 2024, breaking down what a whale is, and exploring how much these giants hold and how much they’re worth.

What Is a “Whale” in Crypto?

Before we get to the numbers, let’s clarify what we mean by a “whale.” In the crypto world, a whale refers to individuals or entities holding large quantities of cryptocurrency, enough to influence the market. If you’ve got 1,000 Bitcoin or more, congratulations – you’re swimming with the big fish. But when we talk about real whales, we’re talking hundreds of thousands of BTC.

The top Bitcoin whales include crypto exchanges, investment firms, and even governments. Let’s take a closer look at whom these players are and what they control.

1. Coinbase: The Crypto Exchange Behemoth

Coinbase is one of the largest crypto exchanges globally, and it holds a staggering amount of Bitcoin on behalf of its customers. As of 2024, Coinbase holds over 870,000 BTC. That’s about 4.4% of the total circulating supply of Bitcoin. What’s interesting is that these funds aren’t owned by Coinbase directly but are held in trust for users of its platform.

How Much Is That Worth?

At the current price of Bitcoin, around $26,000 in 2024, Coinbase’s Bitcoin stash is valued at approximately $22.6 billion. Not bad for a company that started out as a simple exchange in 2012.

Tweet from @CoinbaseCEO: “Managing over 870,000 BTC is a big responsibility, and we’re committed to keeping user funds safe #CryptoSecurity”

2. Binance: The Titan of Global Trading

Next up, we have Binance, another massive exchange holding around 640,000 BTC, or about 3.2% of the total supply. Like Coinbase, Binance’s Bitcoin reserves are mostly held on behalf of users. Binance is known for its immense trading volume, often exceeding $10 billion per day in crypto transactions.

How Much Is That Worth?

Binance’s Bitcoin reserves are valued at around $16.6 billion. Despite regulatory challenges in several countries, Binance continues to dominate the crypto market, holding a major portion of Bitcoin.

Tweet from @cz_binance: “HODLing? We’re keeping our users’ funds safe and sound with over 640,000 BTC in reserves. #BinanceStrong”

3. BlackRock (IBIT): The Institutional Giant

The world’s largest asset manager, BlackRock, stepped into the Bitcoin game via its Bitcoin ETF, IBIT. BlackRock, through this fund, holds an estimated 365,000 BTC, or 1.8% of Bitcoin’s total supply. The introduction of institutional investment in Bitcoin marked a significant shift for the crypto industry.

How Much Is That Worth?

With Bitcoin hovering around $26,000, BlackRock’s Bitcoin holdings are worth approximately $9.5 billion. BlackRock’s involvement in the Bitcoin market brings credibility to the asset, attracting more institutional money.

4. MicroStrategy: The Bold Corporate Bet on Bitcoin

If there’s one company known for its Bitcoin holdings, it’s MicroStrategy. CEO Michael Saylor made headlines when the company began buying Bitcoin aggressively. As of 2024, MicroStrategy holds around 153,000 BTC, which represents 0.75% of the total supply.

How Much Is That Worth?

MicroStrategy’s Bitcoin holdings are valued at approximately $4 billion, and its total market cap is around $5.5 billion. Essentially, the company’s valuation is tied closely to the price of Bitcoin, making it a proxy for Bitcoin investment.

Tweet from @saylor: “In Bitcoin we trust. Proud to be a HODLer of 153,000 BTC and counting. #BitcoinIsTheFuture”

5. Grayscale (GBTC): The Largest Bitcoin Trust

Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) is the largest Bitcoin investment vehicle, with over 630,000 BTC held in its trust, representing about 3.1% of the total supply. The trust allows institutional investors to gain exposure to Bitcoin without actually holding the asset.

How Much Is That Worth?

At $26,000 per Bitcoin, Grayscale’s holdings are valued at approximately $16.4 billion. Grayscale plays a key role in the institutional adoption of Bitcoin, allowing more traditional investors to jump into the crypto space.

Governments: The Silent Whale

You may not think of governments as Bitcoin holders, but they collectively own around 2.2% of the Bitcoin supply. These holdings typically come from seizures in criminal cases. For example, the U.S. government holds a significant portion after seizing Bitcoin from criminal enterprises like Silk Road.

Special Mention: Satoshi Nakamoto

No discussion of Bitcoin whales would be complete without mentioning Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin’s mysterious creator. Satoshi is believed to hold around 1 million BTC, or about 5% of the total supply. However, these coins haven’t moved since they were mined in the early days of Bitcoin.

If Satoshi’s holdings were ever moved or sold, it would send shockwaves through the market. But for now, the coins sit quietly in the blockchain, untouched.

Fun fact: If Satoshi Nakamoto’s stash were sold, it could crash the market in a matter of hours. But don’t worry, Satoshi seems to be the ultimate HODLer.

How Much Is That Altogether?

Let’s sum up these numbers. The combined holdings of these top whales amount to over 2.65 million BTC. That’s about 13.25% of Bitcoin’s total supply, concentrated in just a handful of hands. To put this into perspective, if Bitcoin were a country, these whales would be its central bankers – holding significant sway over the market.

The post These Are the 5 Whales With the Most Bitcoin Holdings appeared first on Cryptopress.