Late one night, Alex sat at his desk, eyes flicking between multiple screens, tracking the latest trends in the crypto world. A new token had caught his attention: $INCEPT. With a mere $95 left in his wallet, Alex took a chance, placing it all on the small, obscure token.

The hours ticked by, and Alex could hardly believe what was happening. His investment skyrocketed, his balance shooting past $10K, then $50K, then around $97K—all in just 12 hours. The adrenaline rush was unreal. He couldn’t stop staring at the numbers as they climbed higher and higher.

But something felt off. As Alex dove deeper into the blockchain, he noticed a strange pattern. Many of the wallets that had cashed out massive profits—nearly 1000x returns—were brand new, all created just four days ago. One wallet, 0x5e2300EA6b403b613dC6851f1822f88D41Ae93B8, had only ever traded $INCEPT. It was too coordinated, too perfect. Alex realized he might’ve been swept up in a bigger game—a game orchestrated by insiders who had known all along.

The thrill of his windfall mixed with the creeping suspicion that he had played a part in something more than just a lucky break.

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