Bitcoin (BTC) Statement from Kamala Harris Supporter Congresswoman! "You Can't Be Against It!".

Known for her anti-Bitcoin (BTC) and anti-cryptocurrency stance, US Vice President Kamala Harris has been making positive statements about digital assets in recent days.

At this point, Democratic nominee

Harris made her first public comments

on the cryptocurrency sector during a

Wall Street fundraiser in Manhattan. In her speech, Harris said she is committed to encouraging innovation

in technologies such as artificial

intelligence and digital assets while

ensuring the protection of consumers

and investors.

While these statements from Harris were received positively in the cryptocurrency industry, a statement came from Democratic congressman Ro Khanna.

You Can't Be Against Bitcoin (BTC) and Cryptocurrencies!

Speaking to Fox Business, Ro Khanna expressed strong support for Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, stating that he was encouraged by Kamala Harris' statements that she would promote innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and cryptocurrencies.

Stating that no one can be against Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies, Khanna said that being against BTC and crypto is like rejecting basic modern technologies like smartphones like iPhone or laptops.

Khanna argued that digital assets like Bitcoin are not just financial instruments, but represent a fundamental technological innovation that cannot be ignored or opposed.

Khanna's analogy shows that Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are not a temporary trend, but a part of the evolving digital economy that will be permanent.

Finally, Khanna also emphasized that the US must embrace these innovations to remain competitive in the global market.