Lido DAO (LDO) is a decentralized autonomous organization that provides staking infrastructure for multiple blockchain networks, primarily Ethereum and Polygon ¹. It allows users to stake their ETH and receive stETH (Lido staked ETH) tokens in exchange, representing their staked ETH and staking rewards ¹. This liquid staking solution empowers users to put their staked assets to use, supporting various Proof of Stake (PoS) cryptocurrencies ².$LDO

*Key Features:*

- _Decentralized Governance_: Lido DAO is secured by decentralized governance, audited code, and smart contracts ¹.

- _Staking Rewards_: Users can earn block rewards from staking PoS assets while addressing issues like illiquidity and centralization ².

- _Liquid Staking_: Lido's liquid staking service allows users to tap into staking rewards without compromising their tokens' liquidity ².

*Token Information:*

- _Total Supply_: 1 billion LDO tokens ¹ ²

- _Circulating Supply_: Approximately 895 million LDO tokens ¹

- _Market Capitalization_: Over $1.1 billion ¹

*Where to Buy:*

You can trade LDO on various exchanges, including Binance, KuCoin, Kraken, and Coinbase ³.

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