$HMSTR Listing: Critical Considerations Before Selling

As $HMSTR prepares to list on Binance, investors are weighing their options. Before making a decision, consider the following key factors:

Token Supply: 100 billion, potentially creating significant selling pressure

Vesting Concerns: Team's reserved tokens for "Season 2" raise concerns about continuous fund extraction

Community Trust: Loss of trust due to banning legitimate users, potentially increasing sell pressure

Pre-Market Indications: Suggest very low prices ahead

Utility and Credibility: $HMSTR lacks substantial utility and credibility

Comparison to Other Projects: $NOT, $DOG, and Blum show better visibility and engagement

Personal Perspective: Offloading 90% of holdings due to unsubstantiated hope vs. investing in a trustworthy project

Caution Advised: Proceed carefully to avoid potential losses in a market downturn

Key Questions:

- What real utility does $HMSTR offer?

- Who is the team behind the project?

- Have they addressed user concerns?

Make an informed decision, considering these factors to minimize potential losses.

Compare to $NOT, $DOG, and Blum. Proceed with caution to avoid potential losses.





