My Neighbor Alice (MNA), a decentralized on-chain web3 game, has officially launched on the Chromia mainnet. Chromia, a layer 1 blockchain platform, made the announcement via its official Twitter on the 24th (local time). Earlier, Chromia announced that My Neighbor Alice would start its beta season on the Chromia mainnet on September 24th. MNA, which was selected as Binance's project of the year in 2021, has conducted its initial alpha season on Chromia with the aim of a fully decentralized on-chain game. This launch marks a significant milestone for both Chromia and My Neighbor Alice. It brings the vision of a truly decentralized and player-owned gaming experience closer to reality. With My Neighbor Alice now live on the Chromia mainnet, players can fully immerse themselves in the game's world, participate in its governance, and contribute to its growth.