• AI and blockchain combined can make digital systems faster and more secure.

  • The partnership between these two technologies can solve issues like transaction delays.

  • Blockchain and AI together offer more fairness in decision-making for businesses.

AI is expanding fast, with platforms like ChatGPT reaching millions of users in just a few years. Yet concerns about transparency and bias in AI systems are growing along with its adoption. This raises questions about how well AI tools can be controlled. Blockchain is emerging as a possible solution because of its capacity to offer transparency, security, and accountability.


Blockchain’s distributed structure fits perfectly with AI’s need for more faith and surveillance. It creates a permanent record of AI models and data. This helps build trust in the decisions made by AI systems.

How Blockchain Can Help AI Grow

Blockchain can solve some of AI’s biggest obstacles by making sure its systems are clear and easy to understand. By keeping a record of intelligence  training data and decisions, blockchain can help organizations ensure fairness. This makes artificial structures easier to trust.

Additionally, blockchain supports more democratic decision-making. Traditional business structures limit decision-making to a small group. Blockchain opens this process to a wider range of participants, promoting fairness.

Blockchain also helps with explainable AI. Since it records every step of an AI system’s work, it becomes easier for people to understand how decisions were made.

Boosting Blockchain with AI

However, blockchain itself faces problems, especially in terms of speed and cost. Older systems like Ethereum have slow transaction times, which is why some industries hesitate to adopt them. AI can improve blockchain by making it faster and more efficient.

AI can help by predicting transaction needs and distributing resources effectively. This means industries that rely on quick, large transactions, like banking or shipping, can use blockchain more easily.

AI can also enhance blockchain by improving methods like sharding and off-chain processing. These techniques split up transactions, making the system faster and more powerful. This makes blockchain suitable for larger business applications.

A Real-World Example: Qubic’s Innovation

Qubic is a blockchain that shows how AI and blockchain can work together. It uses a system called Useful Proof of Work (uPoW), which directs computing power toward AI tasks. This approach is different from Bitcoin, where computing power is only used for securing the network. Qubic’s method shows how AI can make blockchain more efficient and useful.

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