**Sweden's Crypto Crackdown: A Comedy of Errors? đŸ€”**

- **Crypto Exchanges Labeled PMLs**: The Swedish Police Authority and FIU have hilariously dubbed unlicensed crypto exchanges as "professional money launderers" (PMLs). Think of them as the "Ocean's Eleven" of the crypto world, minus the charm.

- **Four Shades of Shady**: FIU Sweden identified four PML profiles: node, hawala, asset, and platform exchange providers. It's like a criminal Pokémon collection!

- **Legit Platforms to the Rescue**: Licensed crypto platforms are the unsung heroes, urged to spot shady trades and kick out bad actors.

- **Tax Troubles for Miners**: Skatteverket found 18 crypto-mining firms playing hide-and-seek with taxes, leading to a $90M bill. Two firms managed to dodge the bullet, but the rest are left mining for spare change.