Total Users: 25 million participants.

Transaction Amount: Each user charged $2.50 (0.5 tons).

Total Amount Collected from Users:= 25,000,000×2.50=62,500,000USD

Total Tokens Distributed: 10.5 trillion tokens.

Estimated Market Price of Tokens:

$0.0000067 per tokens

Total Value of Distributed Tokens= 10,500,000,000,000×0.0000067=70,350,000USD

Average Tokens Received per User = 10,500,000,000,000 Ă· 25,000,000= 420,000 Tokens

Total Value Received by Each User=

420,000×0.0000067(Approax price per token) = 2.814 USD

  1. Summary of Findings 📊

Total Amount Collected from Users:$62,500,000

Total Tokens Distributed: 10.5 trillion tokens

Total Value of Distributed Tokens: $70,350,000

Average Value Received by Each User: $2.81

User Effort and Rewards đŸ’Œ

Participants invested significant time and effort into the project, hoping for meaningful returns. However, after all the commitment and hard work, they received only $2.81 worth of tokens. This stark contrast raises serious concerns about the fairness and integrity of the Rocky Rabbit project.

Alarming Data Emerging 🚹

The numbers uncovered so far are terrifying, and they point to a much larger issue. What we've discussed here—the $62.5 million collected from users—is just the tip of the iceberg. Consider how much more Rocky Rabbit could have raked in through social media platforms. With hundreds of social networks across the globe, they likely leveraged these channels to drum up massive profits far beyond what was collected directly from participants.

If we delve deeper, the figures could be even more shocking and reveal an enormous scam operation that spans much further than what appears on the surface. Imagine the scale of profits if each platform contributed its own slice of the revenue pie!

Analysis and Conclusion 🔍

While Rocky Rabbit collected a staggering $62.5 million from participants, the total value of the distributed tokens at the estimated price of $0.0000067 is only $70.35 million.

This massive disparity highlights that Rockyrabbit likely operates more like a scam than a legitimate investment opportunity, aiming to exploit unsuspecting users.

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