Upon becoming office, Kamala Harris has promised to back artificial intelligence and cryptocurrency.

On Sunday, Kamala Harris addressed the cryptocurrency business for the first time in public.

During a fundraiser in New York City, she pledged to support cutting-edge tech like cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence (AI) if elected.

Kamala Harris publicly addressed the cryptocurrency market and artificial intelligence (AI) in her economic outlook for the United States yesterday, September 22.

At a New York City fundraising event, she laid out her economic platform, promising to increase funding for artificial intelligence and digital assets while enacting new rules to safeguard investors and consumers in the event that she is elected president of the United States.

Harris Suggests Putting Money Into Crypto and AI
"Kamala Harris promised to bring together labor, small business founders and innovators, along with major companies," said the Singaporean financial journal, The company Times.

Harris highlighted her support for investing in America's competitiveness and future at a fundraising event at Cipriani Wall Street in Manhattan.

She allegedly promised to safeguard American investors and consumers while promoting cutting-edge innovation like artificial intelligence and digital assets.

As the US presidential election of 2024 approaches, the cryptocurrency market is sure to be in the spotlight, thanks to Donald Trump's vocal endorsement of the sector.

Harris has spoken out on the cryptocurrency business for the first time with her remarks, giving fans a better idea of her possible strategy and general stance on digital assets.

Potential Election Results Weighed By VanEck Analysts
Matthew Sigel and Nathan Frankovitz of VanEck recently analyzed the 2024 US elections and came to the conclusion that crypto might have a "mixed bag" of results.

What VanEck has to say about the potential outcomes for the digital asset business is intriguing.

While both Trump and Harris are positive on Bitcoin, digital asset investment expert Nathan Frankowitz and head of digital assets research Matthew Sigel pointed out that the market ramifications of their bullish and bearish sentiments are more complex.

They claim that fiscal expenditure will be maintained or perhaps accelerated by both regimes. If anti-business measures make the situation worse, this may lead to additional quantitative easing.

VanEck thinks that institutional adoption of cryptocurrency would be reduced if Senator Harris kept SEC Chair Gary Gensler, whom Trump had threatened to dismiss, and if her fiscal policy mirrored that of Senator Elizabeth Warren, which emphasized more regulation.

The Effect of the Trump Administration on Bitcoin and the Crypto Industry (Harris v. Trump)
In terms of Bitcoin specifically, VanEck thinks that a second Trump term will slow down the several underlying structural flaws that propel Bitcoin adoption, but a Harris administration would be better for the currency.

Bitcoin is likely to outperform other digital assets under a Harris government due to its distinct regulatory clarity.

But overall, the cryptocurrency sector would do better under Trump's administration because of the increased likelihood of deregulation and pro-business measures.

According to VanEck, the US government's expanding budget deficits and national debt will probably persist after the election.

A further depreciation of the US dollar—a macroeconomic setting in which Bitcoin has always flourished—would be the ultimate outcome.

Additionally, they brought up the fact that beginning in 2020, the US Federal Reserve will begin its money creation frenzy, and that Bitcoin has maintained a consistently negative correlation with the US dollar.

We have already shown that the 2020 pandemic, when the Fed lowered rates in response, caused a BTC rise from 2020 to 2022, the year in which the influence of US rate reduction on Bitcoin's price was the most significant.

Harris' Economic Agenda
According to Reuters, a news agency, Harris is expected to unveil fresh economic suggestions about the generation of wealth in the United States this week.

They pointed out, based on reliable sources, that the US Vice President is expected to unveil new economic policies and business incentives this week with the purpose of assisting Americans in building wealth.

Reuters claims that Harris confirmed to them that she will give a speech outlining her economic agenda this week.

Harris demanded that businesses reveal their gender pay disparity and punished those who did not reduce it as part of her 2020 campaign platform, which included massive wage increases for millions of public school teachers.

Reportedly speaking with Reuters, campaign spokesperson James Singer said that Harris would persist in presenting her opportunity economy platform to guarantee economic development, decrease prices, and increase the affordability of homes.

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