Sorry, i haven't been online much lately, I was a bit disappointed on how things turned out for me.

At the beginning of this year, if you had told me that things would go the way it went this past 9 months, I wouldn't believe you. From 800$ on February to 5,000$ by end of Feb. to 30,000$ in March to 48,000$ in May to 2,900$ in Sept, Crazy ride!

Yet, I will not abandon my dream of regaining my lost money one day, that's what i promised myself, and that's what i plan on doing, i just have to figure out a new way.

I'm sorry if any of my signals, recommendation cost you any losses, be sure i never intended for it go that way.

And FYI, i still hold "Degen kongz" tokens as i am trying to figure out a way to make it hit back up like i did on May 18th.

Please accept my apology.
