STORY of milliores .

Tommy and James (surnames withheld for privacy reasons): Last year, CNN Business carried a story on two brothers from Westchester, New York, who went from nearly jobless to millionaires overnight. They were both into wedding photography and filming, but with COVID-19 lockdowns in place, work was hard to come by.Then, in February 2021, a friend told Tommy and James about Shiba Inu, a coin that could be a real money maker someday. They rolled the dice on the meme coin, thinking of it as "a lotto ticket that wouldn't expire". At first, the brothers managed to scrape up $200 and bought a ton of SHIB, which was worth a fraction of a cent at the time. After a few weeks, their investment had grown 300 percent. Encouraged by this growth, they got their mom and sister to invest too, and two months later, they woke up as millionaires.

