
**Petition for Justice: Hamster Airdrop Shortfall**

Fellow crypto enthusiasts,

The highly anticipated Hamster Airdrop, which many of us were eagerly waiting for, has fallen far short of its promises. The expectations surrounding this project were sky-high, yet what we’ve experienced is a significant letdown. Many of us counted on the airdrop as a meaningful step forward, only to find that the reality is far from what was promised.

The team behind Hamster initially announced that the airdrop would be an inclusive event, designed to reward loyal community members. Yet, the actual distribution left numerous participants feeling overlooked, with allocations that seemed random and unfair. Many who followed the rules to the letter, promoting the project, engaging with the community, and being hopeful about the airdrop, have been left empty-handed.

It's clear that the transparency and fairness of the airdrop have not met expectations. We deserve answers. We need the Hamster team to acknowledge this failure and take corrective actions. It’s time for us to unite as a community and push for justice.

If you’ve been affected by the Hamster Airdrop’s broken promises, join us in petitioning the team for a more transparent and fair redistribution. Share your experiences, make your voice heard, and let’s ensure that no one is left behind.

We’re stronger together, and together, we can ensure that the Hamster community gets the respect and transparency it deserves. Let’s hold them accountable and demand the justice we were promised.

#HamsterAirdrop #CryptoJustice #WeWantFairness

