$BNB /USDT is currently trading at $583.4, up by 2.57% for the day. The 24-hour high reached $587.6, while the low touched $564.2. With a total volume of 202,553.88 BNB traded and a USDT volume of 116.83M, BNB is seeing strong market activity. The short-term moving averages show the 7-day MA at $584.1, while the 25-day and 99-day MAs are at $583.0 and $574.0, respectively.

Technically, BNB is holding firm with key support at $574.4 and facing resistance around $587.6. If it breaks above resistance, there could be an opportunity for upward movement, while a dip below support may signal a trend reversal. Keep an eye on short-term charts like the 15m and 1h for potential signals.

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