Stay safe from hackers follow the guidelines.

Cryptocurrency exchanges are often vulnerable to theft or hacking. Losing or forgetting the access codes to your account could result in the loss of your investment. That’s why keeping your cryptocurrencies in a safe storage place is crucial.

In the crypto space, taking additional steps to secure your investments is key. Adding two-factor authentication gives you an additional security layer, making it harder for unauthorized users to access your funds,” says Jeff Rose, CFP, founder of

If you’re buying cryptocurrency through a broker, crypto is usually held in a crypto wallet linked to the exchange. If you are dissatisfied with the exchange’s service provider or prefer a more secure storage option, you may transfer your assets to a separate hot or cold wallet.

Hot wallets. Hot wallets are cryptocurrency wallets operated on internet-connected devices like tablets, computers or phones. While convenient, they pose a higher theft risk due to their continuous internet connection.

Cold wallets. Cold wallets, such as USBs or hard drives, provide top-tier security for storing cryptocurrency because they’re offline and disconnected from the internet. However, there are risks involved. If you lose the associated keycode or experience device failure, you could permanently lose access to your cryptocurrency.

Depending on the exchange and the transfer amount, a nominal fee may be required to transfer your crypto off of the exchange.

