#hamesterairdrop #HamsterTapTap

A Fair Solution for the Hamster Kombat Community

To the Hamster Kombat team, this message comes from the community who have spent months collecting tokens and playing fairly, hoping to be rewarded for their dedication.

Recently, many users were disqualified without any prior warning, even after contributing to the platform for 4-5 months. While we understand the need for fairness and integrity, disqualifying users without notice feels unfair. If an issue was found with certain accounts, a warning should have been given, or their gameplay paused at that time. Disqualifying them completely after months of effort seems harsh and unjust to the loyal community who trusted the platform.

We ask you to consider a more reasonable solution—perhaps reducing rewards from the point the violation was noticed, but still recognizing the valid work and time users put in. At the very least, offering a smaller airdrop to those disqualified would show that their efforts haven't gone to waste.

We're all here to grow together, and by creating a fair and transparent environment, everyone in the community benefits. Hamster Kombat was built on the trust and support of its users, and this would be a great way to keep that trust moving forward.

Let’s make sure fairness is upheld for everyone who followed the rules.#BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #Write2Earn! #BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR