The Banana Gun (BANANA) team has announced that they will be taking their Telegram bot offline until they can identify the cause of a recent exploit. The team stated that the exploit was detected after they noticed suspicious activity on their router and database. According to the team, less than 10 users were affected by the exploit, which is believed to have been caused by a front-end vulnerability attack. The team is currently working to identify the exact cause of the exploit and will keep the bot offline until they can ensure that it is secure. Earlier this week, The Block reported that some Banana Gun user wallets had been compromised. The team has not yet confirmed whether the exploit is related to the compromised wallets, but they are investigating the possibility. The Banana Gun team has emphasized that they are committed to protecting their users' funds and that they will take all necessary steps to ensure that the bot is secure. Users who are concerned about the security of their funds are advised to withdraw their BANANA tokens from the bot until the exploit has been resolved.