Worldcoin (WLD), a blockchain-based iris scanning identification project, has announced that its WorldApp multi-currency wallet will enable users to test facial recognition technology. This cutting-edge technology serves as an additional layer of security, ensuring that only individuals who have verified their World ID via a 1:1 face match can access their WorldApp. Worldcoin's mission has always been to build a world where everyone has a digital identity, and this latest addition is a significant step towards achieving that goal. By implementing facial recognition, Worldcoin takes a proactive approach to safeguarding user accounts and preventing unauthorized access. This non-invasive technology provides a convenient and secure way for users to confirm their identity and access their digital assets. The facial recognition feature is an optional security measure that users can enable within their WorldApp settings. Worldcoin's commitment to innovation and security is evident in this latest development. The company believes that facial recognition technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with the digital world and enhance the overall user experience.