Solana has recently introduced its latest smartphone, named 'Seeker,' which is priced at half the cost of its predecessor. The team behind the device assures that it will not solely rely on free memecoins. The previous model, Saga, faced initial criticism but gained popularity due to a significant price surge of the memecoin Bonk in December. Solana aims to offer similar rewards to the 140,000 users who pre-ordered Seeker. The new device will feature an upgraded DApp store, improved hardware, and enhanced user experience. While emphasizing rewards, Solana also focuses on providing diverse crypto-integrated experiences to users. Seeker's zero-fee App Store aims to foster innovation in crypto apps, a feature lacking in mainstream platforms like Apple and Google. The device is expected to support various token launchpads and DePIN apps, offering users a unique and versatile crypto experience. Read more AI-generated news on: