#hamsterkombat24 OFFICIAL update Season 1 Is Ending Soon.

Here is The detailed Update :

Season 1 of Hamster Kombat is nearing its epic conclusion – but don’t worry, this is just the start of something even bigger and better!

🗓️ Mark the Date: A snapshot will be taken on September 20 at 6 PM UTC, locking in all the data from the first season. But what does this snapshot mean for you?

What is a Snapshot?

A snapshot is a record of the blockchain at a specific moment in time. In this case, it captures your progress, contributions, and other key data from Season 1. But why is this important? The snapshot will help build an accurate estimation model for the upcoming AirDrop distribution.

💡 Key Insight: This isn't the end – it's a new beginning! With this data, the team can ensure that loyal players and contributors are rewarded fairly, setting the stage for even bigger things ahead in Season 2 and beyond.

What Happens After the Snapshot?

The snapshot paves the way for:

AirDrop Distribution: Based on your activities and engagement in Season 1, you'll be eligible for rewards in the form of the AirDrop.

Exciting New Developments: This is just the foundation. With the snapshot data in hand, the team can roll out new features, updates, and even more lucrative rewards for the Hamster Kombat community.

Keep Grinding, Keep Winning

You still have time to maximize your progress and secure your position before the snapshot! Make the most of these final moments to ensure you're in the best spot for those AirDrop rewards.

💥 Stay tuned for more updates – Season 2 is just around the corner

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