The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) - the powerful group that shapes the US economy by setting interest rates. Essentially, they control the cost of borrowing money, which impacts your finances, employment, and the overall economic landscape.

What is the FOMC?

The FOMC is a committee within the Federal Reserve System responsible for overseeing open market operations, like buying and selling government securities Âč ÂČ. This affects the money supply, interest rates, and ultimately, the economy.

Who's on the FOMC?

The committee consists of:

- Seven Board of Governors: Jerome Powell (Chair), Michael Barr, Michelle Bowman, Lisa Cook, Philip Jefferson, Adriana Kugler, and Christopher Waller

- New York Fed President: John C. Williams (Vice Chair)

- Four Regional Reserve Bank Presidents: rotating members from banks like Boston, Philadelphia, Richmond, Cleveland, Chicago, Atlanta, and San Francisco Âč ÂČ

Why does the FOMC matter for your finances?

Their decisions on interest rates influence:

- Mortgage rates

- Credit card interest

- Business loan rates

- Employment opportunities

- Economic growth

In short, the FOMC plays a vital role in shaping the US economy, and their decisions have a direct impact on your financial well-being.

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