**Main TON eco coin I would focus on is NOT coin. **

Notcoin has effectively captured Web3 culture with its unique branding that combines memes and community engagement. By allocating 95% of its tokens to users, it achieved a decentralized distribution with over 2.44 million token holders. The game’s low entry barrier contributed to its rapid growth earlier this year and with a strong community focus, making it a significant force in the TON ecosystem. This shows that the simpler people will keep the games in web3 the better they'll most likely work. And the goal isn't to build a game specifically for web3 but morso a game that is fun and easy to play. The web3 aspect should come second.

I haven't bought Notcoin yet btw, but I'm just observing what it's been doing and is doing for the TON ecosystem alongside with other html5 games.