How can you make big money from tokens like BIGTIME that rise very fast and instantly?

Remember that in the financial world, you don't need to buy or long anything to make money.

You can also make some pretty nice but “limited” amounts of money by shorting.

Tokens like BIGTIME are highly volatile and like to move hard.

The first movement of such tokens is noticed after they are vertically upward, and many people open short positions during this period, but such people are soon liquidated and out of the game, causing the token price to rise even higher.

What you need to do at this point is to follow the plan below:

(This example assumes you have $10,000 in total assets).

First, wait for the vertical rise to end calmly and for the price to flatten a bit.

During this sideways period, you first open a $100 position.

Then, if the price falls, you can close it at any point and take your profit.

However, with a high probability, the price will continue to make a few more vertical rises.

At this point, what we need to do while the vertical rises continue is to keep our patience and not add anything.

Then, when it flattens out again, we add another $100 and increase our position and give a better entry point.

You continue this cycle until BIGTIME's price is where you expect it to be and congratulations, your patience has paid off handsomely!

This tactic will definitely not make you incredibly rich in 1 day, but by doing it several times a day, you can accumulate large amounts of cumulative earnings.