Staking is exclusive to Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchains and their associated tokens. Unlike Bitcoin, which operates on Proof-of-Work (PoW), you can't earn staking yield from it. However, by staking tokens like $ETH or $SOL, you can earn a share of newly minted tokens while helping secure the network.

If you're not staking, you could be missing out on substantial gains, with APY returns ranging from 3% to 18%. That’s why many investors prefer staking over leaving their assets idle.

Staking is widely adopted, with staking ratios (amount staked vs. unstaked) ranging between 20% to 80% on most PoS blockchains. Currently, a massive $520 billion is staked across the top PoS blockchains, making it a popular strategy for generating extra income.

At an average reward rate of 5%, this amounts to $25 billion in staking rewards. That's huge!

Challenges of Solo Staking

While staking can be rewarding, becoming a solo staker can be technically challenging. This is where staking providers like Lido, Rocket Pool, and Jito step in to handle the complexities of network validation for you.

Top PoS Staking Assets

Pros of Using a Staking Provider

✅ Security and Efficiency: Your tokens work securely and efficiently, helping secure the network without needing you to manage it all yourself.

✅ Maximized Rewards: You earn most of the staking rewards without dealing with technical difficulties, making it an easy way to generate income.

✅ Liquidity Retention: You receive liquid tokens as proof of your staked assets, keeping you flexible to use them in other DeFi opportunities.

By leveraging staking providers, you maximize yield while staying hands-off, making staking an attractive option for passive income. 🌐

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